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Bicycle Safety

Bicycling is a popular and healthy activity; however, it can be very dangerous. Please teach your child bicycle safety. Some reminders:

  • Your child should ALWAYS wear a helmet, even on the driveway, a bike path or around the neighborhood. The helmet should fit properly and meet ANSI or Snell safety standards. This is true for children who are riding as passengers as well.
  • Children under age 8 should ride only with adult supervision and should not ride on the street.
  • Older children may ride in the street depending on traffic, individual maturity and ability to follow the “Rules of the Road.”
  • Rules of the Road
    • Ride with traffic.
    • Stop and look both ways before entering the street.
    • Stop at all intersections, marked and unmarked.
    • Before turning, look both ways and use hand signals.
  • Children should not ride at dusk or in the dark.
  • Bikes should be well maintained and fit properly.



Status: Siap