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Many parents have asked how our providers feel about our patients going back to school, preschool and daycare. This is an unprecedented situation, and unfortunately parents don’t have a lot of information on which to base their decision. You can however, take a few factors into account when figuring out what is best for your family:

  1.  What does your household look like? Are there high-risk family members in the home? You can refer to this link for the most up-to-date list of risk factors for severe COVID disease:
  2. What does your child need for their learning and overall social/emotional development? You can refer to the AAP statement on back to school and safety:
  3. What is your individual school or school district’s plan? If your child is attending daycare, consider visiting the center first to see what their safety protocols are. 

This is a personal situation for each family informed by your individual circumstances. We hope this gives you some information to use when making your decision.

Status: Siap